Friday, February 27, 2009

Remember 'Roy G Biv'

When I was seven years old my science fair project described how rainbows formed. That's an easy one; light is made up of different wavelengths. When white light hits a prism (or nature's prism: water), the light bends. Each color of light bends at a different angle and the white beam spreads out into a rainbow.

In 7th grade art class I was taught how to remember the colors of the rainbow. Mr. ROY G. BIV. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. Yes, there are 7 colors in a rainbow and I was seven when I wrote a science report about rainbows and in seventh grade when I learned the acronym. I suppose when I'm 77 years old I'll run into Mr. BIV and have a chance to shake his hand.

Wouldn't that be super cool?

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